Sunday, July 13, 2008

Trailer, India and our release date

Trailer's up if you've not notice. The song in the trailer is sung by one of my favourite bands in the States called The Mountain Goats; it's always been a dream of mine to have one of their songs in my film so when it came down to choosing that one song that I'd pay the copyright for, it was really a matter of which of their songs I'd use.

I'm writing this from India and this place is really quite enthralling. Rode pillion through the streets of Chennai on the first day here, one hand on the belt of an Indian guy named Krishnan, the other trying to take what pictures I could with my camera. Yah, there are times when seeing the way people live makes you thankful for what you have, but there are also people I pass on the streets of Chennai that make me envious; some look so happy in an uncomplicated sort of way that it really puts your life and what you do in perspective. 

Release date for the film is either the 16th or the 30th; depending on when Wayne Wang decides to leave town. He's having a retrospective of his work with Golden Village and we really don't want to compete with him for publicity.

Anyhow, that's the spiel for now.